If you do not take notice and then take action, the new thought will leave our mind in seconds. Sparks arise rapidly and our conscious mind decides if it should act upon this new information or let it go. The spark often feels like a fleeting idea or a hunch. These sparks of insight are formulated from all your accumulated experiences and previously learned information. Notice when you have a spark- Your subconscious mind is continually sending messages as sparks to your conscious mind. Therefore, meditation focusing on your breath is easy to embrace when it is time to let go of the stress of over thinking in the mind. Allow the strain of thinking to diminish. To access this calming effect, start with a 5 minute breathing mediation. The conscious mind is more likely to recognize the gift of brilliance that the subconscious mind has sent it, if the conscious mind is in a calm state. The quick flash of energy is actually the subconscious mind surging a new perspective to the conscious mind. Thinking and more thinking does not generate that moment of brilliance that we are pursuing. One does not power through an “Aha! Moment” with strain and determination. Roland Griffiths, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University, states meditation is “the best approach we know of ” allowing the mind to relax and have the ability to make a surge of insight wisdom. Meditation – Allow your conscious mind time to unwind. An “Aha! Moment” can be allusive however, there are 3 Mindful Living techniques that can coax the moment into your grasp. Your brain has awakened to new cognitive connections that have liberated your thinking and brought rich awareness to your consciousness. When that “Aha” or “Eureka Moment” happens, it can feel as if you have walked through a door that has just changed your whole perspective on a situation. An “Aha! Moment” is a sudden burst of knowledge that has been far from your reach just moments before. Mindful Living can foster a magical “Aha! Moment”.

3 Mindful Living Points that can Coax an “Aha! Moment”