Cog forum fallen hero retribution
Cog forum fallen hero retribution

cog forum fallen hero retribution

How are different languages viewed? (i.e.How many languages are there in your world, and how many languages share a common origin?.is family the most important, or patriotism? What about clan?) What is the official hierarchy of duty in your world? (i.e.How do people get around these censorship laws?.portraying the official religion in a negative light, explicit sexual material, etc.)? What does this say about your society?

cog forum fallen hero retribution

Are there certain taboo subjects or opinions that artist/authors/musicians are not allowed to depict (i.e.Can certain classes or races not become citizens?.How does citizenship work in your world? What rights and privileges do citizens have that others do not?.Do laws between cities vary? If so, how and why?.What are the major ways in which laws between countries vary?.Does differing ownership change how the prisons operate?.If you have prisons, describe how they are organized and run, and who owns them.Is your accused innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?.Describe the sentencing system of your world.What weapons are used by each country/type of people during warfare, and how does that affect war strategies?.Is the military looked upon favourably in your society?.If there is a military, what is its hierarchy structure?.Do methods of war differ between countries/races?.Describe how wars are fought both internationally and nationally.How does it affect the greater politics of your world?.How did they come about and how are they maintained?.countries, factions, etc.) that are present in your world. Describe any large-scale alliances (i.e.If you have multiple countries, do they have different types of rulers?.

cog forum fallen hero retribution

How much power does an individual ruler have?.How are rulers/presidents/nobles put in place?.To the closest approximation, what type of government does your world have?.If your world has technology, does your world prioritize developing entertainment tech, communications tech, transportation tech or something else entirely?.How are business records kept? Are business records kept?.Can certain social classes not own property, certain livestock, certain businesses, etc.? Why?.If you don’t have a tax system, explain why and how your world is affected by that. Are there workers unions and if so, what are common views on unions?.

cog forum fallen hero retribution

  • How are workers/labourers treated in your world?.
  • Does your world operate more on big corporations or small business? Something in between?.
  • How does credit operate in your universe?.
  • Who owns the banks? Government? Wealthy? How does this affect the economy and/or class system?.
  • Do you have banks in your world and if so, how are they run?.
  • If you have multiple countries, do different currencies have different values across said countries?.
  • Does your world have a currency system, barter system, or something else?.
  • She likes stroking your hair, a habit she picked from being with animals so much lmao! Is very jealous and will show you she is. She gets a tightness in her chest with you when you’re in a relationship, a need to be physically near you and in her sight. By no means shy, she’ll grab ya butt if she thinks you’re looking particularly thicc. She keeps a cool demeanor even when around friends, but when she likes you she cant express herself via words…so she does the next best thing, she tugs at you for attention, puckers her lips to tell you she wants kisses, and stays by your side to hold your arm when walking together. She’s the “Cold Exterior” type of personality, not prone to showing her emotions around other people or even talking. When in love, Astrid likes to be near the MC and touchy. Sister of Wythela Ulthred, Sword Saint and wife to Imperial Heir Gareth. Astrid Ulthred: Daughter of Lord Archibald, romanceable by male MCs.

    Cog forum fallen hero retribution